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Requirements : Tour 25+ Cost : 5+ Psionic Energy/Combat Round/Weapon Command : psiwield [weapon/mode]

Description: A Psicorps soldier who is of Tour 25 or higher can psiwield a weapon. This causes the weapon to float next to the Psicorps soldier and attack on its own. The ability cost for psiwield increases as the weapons you use become more powerful. Psiwielding more weapons will reduce the speed of each as you attempt to focus on them simultaneously. Every 25 Tours, a soldier may psiwield an additional weapon (i.e. 2 at Tour 50, 3 at Tour 75 and 4 at Tour 100). Since a psiwielded weapon is not being physically wielded, any special abilities that a psiwielded weapon may have will not manifest itself. You are able to normally wield a weapon while psiwielding other weapons. Psiwielded strikes are highly variable, with high peaks and low valleys. This allows the Psicorps soldier to punch through strong defenses. NOTE: BoE weapons are not affected by psiwield. If you wish a BoE weapon to bind to you, then use the normal wield and unwield. The attack mode on psiwield applies to all weapons and not to each individual weapon. To change modes type 'psiwield chaotic' You can also 'psiwield chaotic off' and 'psiwield chaotic on' Chaotic strikes have a better chance to punch through high armor targets but also have lots of annoying mini-hits.

Concentration : 0/100 (25) Mental Disciplines Iron Mind : 0/100 (1,000) Inner Strength : 0/100 (2,500) Body Fuel : 0/100 (7,500) Psychokinetic Power : 0/100 (7,500) Quicken Mind : 0/100 (1,000) Speed of Thought : 0/100 (3,000) Autohypnosis : 0/100 (7,500) Psychokinetic Speed : 0/100 (7,500) Physical Disciplines Agility : 0/100 (1,000) Dodge : 0/100 (2,500) Riposte : 0/100 (5,000) Total Defense : 0/100 (10,000) Expertise : 0/100 (2,500) Combat Reflexes : 0/100 (5,000) Whirlwind Attack : 0/100 (10,000) Stamina : 0/100 (1,000) Body Hardness : 0/100 (2,500) Healing : 0/100 (2,500) Regeneration : 0/100 (5,000) Resistance : 0/100 (10,000) Energy Charge : 0/100 (2,500) Overchannel : 0/100 (5,000)