Home History Guild Powers Scrips Skills Tours Calculator
The calculators assume your starting skill is your existing skill. As such, checking from 1-100 assumes you are currently at a 1. 0 to 100 will give you the entire cost of a skill. Skill groups here are listed in order of lowest to highest training cost.
Iron Mind | Quicken Mind:
Starting Skill (0-99): Goal (1-100):

Agility | Stamina:
Starting Skill (0-249): Goal (1-250):

Dodge | Expertise | Body Hardness | Healing | Energy Charge:
Starting Skill (0-99): Goal (1-100):

Inner Strength | Speed of Thought:
Starting Skill (0-99): Goal (1-100):

Riposte | Combat Reflexes | Regeneration | Overchannel:
Starting Skill (0-99): Goal (1-100):

Body Fuel | Psychokinetic Power | Autohypnosis | Psychokinetic Speed:
Starting Skill (0-99): Goal (1-100):

Total Defense | Whirlwind Attack | Resistance:
Starting Skill (0-99): Goal (1-100):

You can download a spreadsheet listing all skill costs here.